Retreat Symposium – Sattelbogen
Since 1972, the Chair has closed meeting, to hold an internal seminar with the scientific staff and to be able to discuss the state of the work intensively with some invited guests.
The following goals were formulated in the invitation to the first retreat in 1972:
- To present the “IS” state of the research work in such a way that it could be surveyed by all staff members.
- To give individuals the opportunity to determine where their work stands in the overall programme,
- where cross-connections exist and where they need to be strengthened.
- To activate the exchange of experience, especially with regard to methodological difficulties.
- To discuss research objectives for the period ahead.
- To get to know each other better also in non-technical discussions.

The first seminar took place at Bernhardshöhe in the Bavarian Forest. Since then, this three-day event has become a permanent fixture in the Chair’s annual schedule. The retreat took place for the 40th time in 2013; it was only cancelled in 1976 and 1983. The venue has changed in the meantime. The Bavarian Forest has remained faithful, but the Chair is now enjoying the exemplary hospitality of the Sattelbogener Hof for the 31st time. What was initially intended as an internal exchange developed into a small conference with national and international guests, so that since 1994 the seminar has been held in English. Various chair anniversaries, such as handing over of the keys as chair holder from Prof. Mughrabi to Prof. Göken or the 10-year assumption of office by Prof. Göken, were also celebrated together with many guests during this event. Another fixed component is a half-day hike, during which the participants find their way back to the hotel despite unplanned but certainly occurring aberrations. The consolidation and reestablishment of social contacts is rounded off by a “happy hour” to initiate long conversations or, for example, by cosy rounds of games, especially Schafkopf.