New Group Leader in Nanomechanics

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On July 1st, Dr. Michael Wurmshuber started a new position as leader of the Nanomechanics research group at Institute I. Dr. Wurmshuber graduated his PhD in Materials Science at Montanuniversität Leoben in October 2022 under supervision of Prof. Daniel Kiener. His thesis explored the improvement potential of mechanical properties of fine-grained tungsten and tungsten composites via targeted grain boundary doping and the assessment of such properties through micro- and nanomechanical testing methods. After half a year as Postdoc in Leoben, he now joins the Nanomechanics group at FAU. Aside from the further development of small-scale mechanical testing techniques and the study of nanostructured metals, he also wants to dedicate himself to research topics such as nano-biomechanics, artificial intelligence and materials in harsh environments, such as irradiation and hydrogen embrittlement.

The Institute I welcomes Mr. Wurmshuber and wishes all the best for the planned research projects!