MAN- Battery characterization


Project description

Electrochemical energy storage systems are of the utmost importance to ensure the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in particular are very well suited for this application due to their high energy density and safety, low costs, long lifetime and good fast-charging properties and are already widely used in electric cars, laptops and mobile phones. The current focus of research is primarily on increasing the lifetime of batteries in order to meet the increasing demand and higher requirements for battery cells. A deeper understanding of the aging-related damage to the LIBs during application until ultimate failure of the batteries is of particular interest.

In cooperation with MAN Truck & Bus SE, the aging-related microstructure degradation in commercial vehicle LIBs is to be investigated. Analyses of the anode and cathode materials and separators as a function of the ageing condition should provide information on the development of various aging mechanisms. The aim is to describe the origin of the damage mechanisms and to derive possible improvements to the LIB system on this basis. For in-depth microstructural characterization, analyses are carried out using Focused Ion Beam (FIB), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Atom Probe Tomography (APT) in order to understand the aging mechanisms at atomic level.

The project is financed by MAN Truck & Bus SE and the Bavarian Battery Fund.