Michael Wurmshuber

Dr. mont. Michael Wurmshuber

Group Leader Nanomechanics

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of General Materials Properties

Room: Room 3.19
Martensstraße 5



Academic Education

02/2017 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, Thesis title: “Automated Image Processing for Residual Stress Measurements of Thin Films using MATLAB” (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Kiener)
03/2018 Diplomingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.) in Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, Thesis title: “Towards radiation-tolerant materials: Evaluation of radiation effects in interface-rich, nanostructured Cu-Fe-Ag” (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Kiener)
10/2022 Doctoral degree (Dr. mont.) in Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, Thesis title: “Enhanced mechanical performance of nanostructured metals through systematically modified interfaces” (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Kiener)

Professional Career

08/2017 – 12/2017 Visiting student researcher, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California Berkeley, USA
05/2018 – 10/2022 PhD researcher, Department Materials Science (Chair of Materials Physics), Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
11/2022 – 05/2023 Postdoctoral researcher, Department Materials Science (Chair of Materials Physics), Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
seit 07/2023 Group leader Nanomechanics (Akademischer Rat), Department for Materials Science and Engineering, Institute WWI: General Materials Properties, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Honours and Awards

2012 TÜV Austria Wissenschaftspreis
2017 Marshall Plan Scolarship

Research Interests

  • Ex- and in-situ micro- and nanomechanical testing
  • Fracture mechanics in small dimensions
  • Nanostructured metals and composites
  • Biological materials, biomechanics and biomimetic materials
  • Artificial intelligence in nanomechanics
  • Materials in extreme environments
  • Nuclear materials and refractory metals
  • Radiation effects and radiation tolerant materials










  •  Fracture mechanics in small dimensions: Nanoscale phenomena and the limits of fracture mechanical testing
  • Nano-biomechanics: Micro- and nanoscale investigation of hierarchical biomaterials, such as bone, teeth and other hard tissue
  • Machine learning and AI in nanomechanics
  • Materials in harsh environments: Nanomechanical testing as tool for characterization of radiation effects and hydrogen embrittlement
  • Enhancing ductility and toughness of nanostructured metals
  • Bulge testing of thin films and hard coatings