TMS 2023, San Diego

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From March 19-23, 2023, the TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition was held in San Diego, California. Numerous participants from science and industry from metals, materials and minerals fields met for a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary exchange.

The Institute I was represented with a total of nine contributions on the topics of high-temperature materials/superalloys, high-performance steels, nanostructured materials, aluminum and titanium alloys. The speakers were Steffen Neumeier (two presentations), Andreas Bezold, Andreas Kirchmayer, Lukas Haussmann, Manuel Köbrich, Moritz Kuglstatter, Philip Goik and Nina Pfeffer. In addition, Benoit Merle (formerly WWI, now University of Kassel) and colleagues from the neighboring institute WTM were also participating.

Overall, the conference allowed for an intensive, international scientific exchange, while the community and evening events were by no means neglected. Overall, the conference was very enriching and an unforgettable experience for all of us.

Nina Pfeffer